Company Group Name

Orange, CA 92620

SIC code: 3746

Policy Number: 10301645

Policy Effective date: 06/10/3016

Classification: Unspecified

Broker: Broker Name

Agency: Family Brokerage

Enrolled, 6
Terminated, 8
Total Employees, 14 Total Employees count does not include waived employees
EDI History
+ Add Employee
Last Name First Name # of Dependents HCID Gender Date of Birth Enrolled In
Williams John 2 W00000011 Male 10/15/1945 H, D, V, L
Pitsburg Gregory 0 W0000341 Female 10/15/1965 H, D
Homie Escobar 1 W00044011 Male 08/25/1985 H
Miller Carter 0 W0045341 Male 10/01/1977 H, L
Williams John 2 W00000011 Male 10/15/1945 H, D, V, L
Pitsburg Gregory 0 W0000341 Female 10/15/1965 H, D
Homie Escobar 1 W00044011 Male 08/25/1985 H
Williams John 0 W0045341 Male 10/01/1977 H, L