Create an entirely new flow for users yet keep their attention to ancillary products and redirect them to Medicare website. Provide options for customers to check if they are eligible.
The flow was branched, unnecessary complicated, and unfocused. Analytics showed significant customers drop-off on the subsidy calculator page. Automated steps were mixed with manual steps that slowed down the overall application performance.
The user interface appeared too heavy and visually inconsistent.
We explored two directions
Customer research.
What our customer actually need? How do they look for the health coverage?
Current system research.
What is wrong and what is right with our current system? How do they interact with it?
Demographic groups, user patterns, user journeys, and personas are the part of a separate project. I cannot reveal our findings due to NDA except the information available for the public access online.
– We need to make it mobile. 62% of our respondents use smartphones looking for the health coverage.
– Customers need it simple. 36% website users dropped due to the system complexity.
– All in one. 98% of respondents want all health products (including ancillary) be in one place.
– Self-explanatory. 60% of respondents need guidance on health reform and product search.
A small internal group of participants was recruited to observe their actual behavior on the current system. We pointed out the moments of hesitation and frustration, as well as the moments of joy and success. The actual interactions were quite emotional and provided valuable information about pros and cons of our current application.
– The overall process appeared too long and complex.
– Household information is the most critical part of the flow.
– System delays (due to data processing) caused frustration and possible customer drop-offs.
– Customers requested help and guidance on healthcare reform.
– Customers demand clear navigation and ability to restore previous steps.
We separated the manual steps where the user interacts with the system and the automated steps that go beyond user control. That way application response time was shortened, and the actual user flow was limited to a several steps.
Based on business requirements and the research data we created several versions, the last one (below) got approval. The top row of the flow goes under user’s control, the bottom part is mostly automated (green diamonds).
According to the data we received from the users, the household information is crucial for the user success. We made it as simple and effortless as possible.
Later on Household flow was integrated into the entire application prototype.
Customer research and online data mining
User flows
Wireframes and prototypes
Customer presentation
Mobile Quoting App
Real Estate Application
Electronic Data Interchange
Small Business Lead Generator
Health Insurance Quotes
General Agency
Online Application
Internal Website