Open House App

A lead generator for the Listing Agents


Try it. It is clickable!

For Buyers

For Agents


  • A virtual Open House sign on the map.

  • The location-based app makes it easy to find an open house nearby, within the certain area, or time interval.


Easy setup for the agents and convenient search within cetain criteria for the buyers

For Buyers

For Sellers

Convenient open house setup for the Listing Agent and easy appointment scheduler for the Property Buyers.

For Buyers

For Sellers

Appointment management for the agents and search within a certain time interval for the buyers.

For Agents

For Buyers

Personalization. Agents can search for the prospective buyers as well. Buyers on the other hand get access to the addition property details based on the level of their qualification.

Convenient messaging within the app while user is active.

Problems we address

  • For Buyers: It takes days sometimes weeks to set up an appointment

  • For Agents: Get qualified customers

  • For Both: Lack of communication, loyalty, and follow-up


  • Show what is open right now for the qualified buyers. That way persuade buyers to get qualified.



  • — Just visited a property but still has spare time to find something nearby. Lookup for the other open houses nearby.

  • — Did not have time to setup an appointment. Scheduled virtual tour (for instance, face time) with the Agent.


  • — Holds the open house. The next appointment will be within two hours. Found the active buyers nearby within the application. Sends out an instant invitation to visit the property.

  • — Reached out for the clients who are far away. Offered virtual tour and detailed guidance on the phone.

My Role

The project is ongoing the small group of enthusiasts (engineers and real estate professionals) collaborates on the project. My role includes:

  • Idea and concept

  • Product design

  • Customer research and validation

  • Interactions and visual design

© Egor Sovtsov